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Peter Charron

bellingham public schools
Bellingham public school employees can now get their eye care from Northwest Vision Development Center

We at Northwest Vision Development Center now accept Northwest Benefits Network (NBN) for your eye exams, eyeglasses and contact lens needs.

What is NBN?

NBN is a vision plan through the Northwest Administrators that is provided to over 150,000 people across the state of Washington.

So if you're a public school teacher, or part of the Teamsters Union, and you are wondering.. "What eye insurance do I use for my eye exams?" Most likely the answer will be NBN.

What does the NBN vision plan cover?

While each policy is different, NBN vision plan usually covers some or all of your annual eye exams, contact lens fittings, and eyeglasses purchases.

At the time of this writing, here are the vision benefits that we've found for each type of employee

It does not cover medical eye care, vision therapy or emergency eye visits at your optometrist's office though.

What's an eye exam like at Northwest Vision Development Center?

When you come to us for your eye care needs, we will go through a comprehensive visual and medical history, review any problems that you are going through with your vision, then run diagnostic tests so that we can get you seeing your best. We also evaluate for eye diseases like glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts during your annual eye exam.

When Should My Kids Get Their Eyes Checked?

Children should get their first eye exam between 6 and 12 months of age and then every year after that, so don't forget that your children might be on your NBN vision plan!

We look forward to seeing you at our office!

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