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E Report by optometrist about vision therapy surgery and eye patching for Strabismus Amblyopia Treatment

Maybe You Want Any Of The Following...

  • Gain more confidence in face to face work settings 

  • Feel better about how your eyes look in social settings

  • Feel more secure 'behind the wheel' of a car.

    • ​(are you missing key objects/road marks, or worse... pedestrians on the road that you should been aware of?)

    • (overwhelmed by fast motion, and have trouble processing it especially at higher speeds?)

  • Get rid of double images (double vision/'diplopia')

  • Do something about clumsiness you always thought was just 'you' 

  • Help your child blossom in sports, coordination, and self confidence by improving his/her vision


Lazy Eye: 21st Century Methods To Unite Your Eyes Together... For Good

“I’m worried my child's eye problem will affect his/her confidence.”


“I’m worried about my child getting bullied because of his/her eyes…”

“I’m worried my child won’t be athletic with his/her eyes pointing in different directions.”

“I just want to avoid surgery.  I can’t really imagine putting my child through that…”

“We tried that whole ‘pirate patch’ thing, but our child hated it and we didn’t really know if he/she ever wore it at school.”

“Should I blame myself for my child’s eye problem?”


If you have any of these thoughts, please know that you are definitely not alone.  These are the EXACT concerns that people and parents voice to us all the time when they come in for evaluations. 


We, here, at Northwest Vision Development Center strive to address these types of concerns every single day.  We realize that it's not just eyes that are affected with these conditions, it is the whole being.  

E Report by optometrist about vision therapy surgery and eye patching for Strabismus Amblyopia Treatment

Having an eye turn is similar to using two horses to pull a carriage the can't seem to get along.  Instead of working together, the horses may fight, bring each other down and go in different directions.  The cart would almost be better off with just one of them instead of the pair.  

Having Amblyopia is like having two horses pulling a cart where one is strong/healthy and the other is weak and sick. The weak/sick one is pulling the stronger one down.  Always lagging behind and sapping energy from the stronger one.  

Our treatment for these common visual conditions is called vision therapy designed to...

1) To train you to line your eyes up the eyes together.

2) To enhance brain processing power to accept a integrated message from each eye.

We find that once our patients start to get their eyes working for them, instead of against them, they often start to see improved confidence, and less frustration with the way the see, move and process information.

We want to make it stress free and easy to begin your journey towards looking and seeing your very best.  One of the first steps you can take is simply download and take a look at this E Report on our approach to straightening the eyes and keeping them that way. 


If you (or a child) has amblyopia, where the eye doesn't wander... there are helpful pointers on that in there too.


We will do our best to stay in touch, and reach out to you so that we can get you on our schedule to evaluate the problem first.


Whether you are considering surgery for the eyes, patching, have just gotten a new prescription and not sure if you think it's correct, the process here is largely the same.


Our technicians, along with Dr. Charron will run diagnostic testing, then discuss your situation with you and begin the process of determining which treatments would be best for you (or your child).


If you need vision therapy or another treatment, Dr. Charron will also start the process of explaining how it works and what outcome you might expect. 

A Summary Of What You'll Learn About...

  • How we treat these visual problems.

  • Ways that eye turns and Amblyopia ("lazy eye") affect confidence and self esteem.

  • The difference between the 3 common treatments for these vision disorders.

  • Learn why some people need surgery, others need vision therapy, and others can just be fixed with glasses or contact lenses alone. 

E Report by optometrist about vision therapy surgery and eye patching for Strabismus Amblyopia Treatment


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